What is the meaning of “Al-Aqsa”?

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In order to understand the reasons behind the name of Masjid Al-Aqsa, we must first understand the meaning of the word “Al-Aqsa” in Arabic language, and it means “the farthest,” hence the name “Masjid al-Aqsa” means “the furthest Masjid.”

Some scholars said: “the farthest” means that it’s the Masjid farthest from Masjid al-Haram in Mecca; in terms of the three Masjids that Mounts are not saddled for except to (travel to).

It is also said that it’s called al-Aqsa due to being distanced from filth and malice. The latter is stemmed from the name “Beit al-Maqdis;” the place where people are purified from their sins.

Al-Muqadas (the sacred) is the purified, close to “Al-Baiet al-Muqadas;” purified from any idols inside it.

We notice here that the reasons behind the name combine the purity of the place, its highness, and being distanced from from dirts and filths whether physical or moral.

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