Al-Aqsa in Islam

The significance of Al-Aqsa to the Sahabah

To investigate the importance of Al-Aqsa Mosque in Islam, we need to clarify how the Prophet’s companions (Sahaba) perceived the reputability of Al-Aqsa Mosque based on their eternal biography and their practical perception of its significance.

Al-Aqsa Defenders

Murabiteen: The Frontline of Defense of Al-Aqsa Mosque

The Murabiteen and Murabitat, or Murabitoun, or Murabito Al-Aqsa are groups or individuals from Al-Quds city (Jerusalem) and its surroundings, and [Palestinian] Muslim citizens of the occupied lands in 1948. They devoted themselves and their time to stay at Al Aqsa Mosque to guard its gates and protect it from attacks by “Israeli” soldiers

Al-Aqsa Architecture


A platform is a flat space made of stone that is elevated from Al-Aqsa’s surface, it is usually connected to a few steps and has a niche carved in it pointing towards

Our duty toward Al-Aqsa

Muslims Duty Towards Al-Aqsa Mosque

Dr. Abdul Karim Meqdad The duties towards any cause are magnified by its holiness and its great status. Since the cause of al-Aqsa Mosque is linked to the faith of the Muslims,

Al-Aqsa in Islam

Al-Aqsa Mosque in the Holy Quran

Al-Aqsa Mosque holds a unique level of sanctity in Islam after the Two Holy Mosques; the Masjid al-Haram in Mecca and the Prophet Mosque [Masjid an-Nabawi] in Medina; it is the third holiest site and the first qibla for Muslims.

Al-Aqsa Defenders

Sheikh Raed Salah: Sheikh al-Aqsa and its Guard

Sheikh Raed Salah is one of the most famous Palestinian figures for his defiance of Israel’s policies and exposing their conspiracies to Judaize al-Quds and al-Aqsa mosque. He is a long-time defender of the Islamic sanctities and endowments in occupied Palestine, especially Masjid al-Aqsa until he became known as sheikh al-Aqsa. Sheikh Salah received the King Faisal Award in 2013 for his efforts in defending al-Aqsa.

Al-Aqsa in Islam

The Blessings (Baraka) of Al-Aqsa Mosque

One can never talk about al-Aqsa Mosque without first pointing to, and stopping at the concept “blessed” that Allah always describes the mosque with. This term and some of its derivatives were repeated in many verses that mentioned al-Aqsa

Al-Aqsa in History

1969: Al-Aqsa Arson

Since 1967, the Israeli Occupation has deliberately attacked al-Quds and purposely attempted to destroy al-Aqsa Mosque, and instead of it, Israel proposes to rebuild a Jewish temple.


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